Thursday, June 2, 2011

erosion of rocks

erosion of rocks. Erosion, fallen rocks,
  • Erosion, fallen rocks,

  • robanga
    Apr 13, 10:27 PM
    I tend to use all the office apps and go back and fourth depending on needs. The exception is PowerPoint for Windows, I don't use that very much.

    erosion of rocks. Honey combed rock, due partly
  • Honey combed rock, due partly

  • Billy Boo Bob
    Feb 25, 11:46 AM
    I wonder what this means for being able to install virtual servers on Parallels and the like?

    erosion of rocks. erosion, deposition,
  • erosion, deposition,

  • Thex1138
    Mar 23, 07:33 PM
    I need your clothes,
    Your boots,
    And your iPhone!

    You forgot to say please! :D

    erosion of rocks. rocks effects Erosion+of+
  • rocks effects Erosion+of+

  • Lacero
    Sep 17, 11:00 AM
    How would one go about dating an Apple employee??
    Could you surreptitiously take a photo of her with an iSight and post her picture here? I wanna see just how gorgeous this girl is. Or what that be too much to ask?


    erosion of rocks. 20 Cool Rocks and Rock
  • 20 Cool Rocks and Rock

  • eastercat
    Apr 15, 02:15 PM
    JB your phone on 4.3.x and buy: Tetherme, MyWi or PDAnet
    4.3.x enables hotspot tethering. AT&T charges $45 for 4 GB (2 for phone, 2 for tethering).

    If you'd bothered to search, you'd have found this out.

    erosion of rocks. Eroded sedimentary rock
  • Eroded sedimentary rock

  • stridemat
    Apr 24, 01:45 PM
    whats your machine? are you capable and comfortable with terminal controls? or need a GUI lol

    you can read more Here (
    and Here (

    Im comfortable with terminal, and it seems less wasteful than a GUI. Im on a 2007 macbook (slow and steady and all that) but like I say its on 24h a day so should hopefully churn through some units.


    erosion of rocks. erosion in soft rock
  • erosion in soft rock

  • crisss1205
    Apr 12, 05:42 PM
    Will all the resellers buying all the AT&T versions I call BS on those stats.

    Go to a store and I guarantee you can't buy an at&t model, but vzw are in stock everywhere.

    There is NO way Vzw is outselling AT&T version, NO way, it's impossible.

    My guess is maybe people in the mid-west would PREFER vzw, but they'll never buy one anyway...

    I agree, I waited on line on launch day. The first iPads to be sold out were the AT&T models, then WiFi, then Verizon.

    erosion of rocks. where similar rocks were
  • where similar rocks were

  • iSavant
    Apr 14, 09:28 PM
    I had to rate this front page story as "negative"

    just on-a-count-a I'm not used to seeing human faces when I visit the mr site

    Make it go down the page, Please!


    erosion of rocks. Increase erosion of rocks and
  • Increase erosion of rocks and

  • amac4me
    Mar 23, 04:01 PM
    I'm all for more agencies adopting Macs! Heck, one day we might be able to classify them as switchers :D

    erosion of rocks. The weather beaten rocks on
  • The weather beaten rocks on

  • dmr727
    Jan 20, 11:28 AM
    That's funny, all I get are Rogaine ads.


    erosion of rocks. followed by erosion. Rocks
  • followed by erosion. Rocks

  • mikechan1234
    Dec 4, 09:10 AM
    because you are not chinense :D

    Fail spelling

    erosion of rocks. Erosion reveals swirls of
  • Erosion reveals swirls of

  • tktaylor1
    Apr 23, 12:43 AM
    Trump is basically the male version of Palin, so I don't want him anywhere near the whitehouse. He's way too far to the right, and I'm pretty sure he would totally mess up the country if he somehow was elected.

    Then how do you feel about our current president?


    erosion of rocks. Rock types (animated
  • Rock types (animated

  • fivepoint
    Mar 16, 09:24 AM
    ranking of world wide 16+ ton vehicles sales in 2007

    you migth have missed it when Volvo and Daimler went on their buying frenzy

    Excuse me, I was talking about consumer pickup trucks, not large16+ Ton HD shipping trucks.

    There it is folks. The American consumer is at fault for the problems of the US auto industry.

    In a roundabout way, perhaps. The companies are almost exclusively at fault for letting the unions take them over and reduce their ability to produce competitive vehicles at competitive prices. Certain consumers are to somewhat to blame for basically falling for it... for not paying attention to build quality, value, and instead simply purchasing something because it was 'made in America.'

    erosion of rocks. type of erosion which has
  • type of erosion which has

  • blow45
    Apr 14, 01:44 PM
    I hope this wasn't the guy in charge of the Danger/Sidekick data center...

    lol, that would be funny (in a very painful t-mobile kind of way)!:D


    erosion of rocks. Differential erosion has
  • Differential erosion has

  • snberk103
    Jun 22, 04:14 PM
    Originally Posted by snberk103
    I'm just wondering *why* Apple is choosing this time to introduce built in SD card readers.

    "This time" being last summer, when they started including them in MacBooks?

    They don't really need a reason besides pretty much every consumer camera using SD media these days.

    Was it really that long ago? Time flies, eh? Anyway.... They could have added it to the Mini back then quietly and without redesigning the whole case, similar to the way that the 5th USB port was added, if it was to satisfy photographers.

    And they didn't need to immediately go to the top end SDXC.... most consumer cameras aren't using those cards yet. Once the low or middle speed SD card reader was added, it would have been easy to upgrade it to the top end SD card reader in a few years when those cards were more widely used. This would have been more in line of Apple's philosophy of increasing specs and features and keeping prices down. i.e. Today's new Mini has plain SD card reader, and in a year they "add" the faster reader to make a "new" new Mini.

    I think there is something more to this... we'll just have to stay tuned, eh?

    erosion of rocks. Coastal Erosion Jetty Rock
  • Coastal Erosion Jetty Rock

  • justflie
    Mar 23, 07:58 PM
    They're going to realize that the existing machines they have- or Windows machines that can be had for much cheaper- are quite capable of handling any non-classified activity without switching to new hardware.
    Absolutely correct. Unless you have a specialized workflow (ie in certain S&T positions), the vast majority of work is done within MS Office. Doesn't exactly require a workstation.

    That being said, our biggest problem is the hardware differentiation. As a result, the software is a horrid mess because the "security" crap that's on all of our machines interacts with the configurations differently. People are used to blue screens popping up every now and then. Everything gets so bogged down. It's horrid. Would I recommend that everyone switch to a Mac? No. It would take far too long to teach all of the tech illiterate what to do. It would be nice to have as an option for "the rest of us." :cool: The relatively small amount of hardware customization possible would help IT a bit too.


    erosion of rocks. and erosion of rocks to
  • and erosion of rocks to

  • gregorsamsa
    Nov 6, 11:53 AM
    I think we can see it all around us that people are switching. Im a recent switcher myself and have had 2 Macs now in 12 months.

    What im interested in though, is what effect Vista will have on the rate of switchers. Its fairly easy to get a casual PC user to switch on eye candy alone. Will this work when Vista out eye candys OSX?

    Initially perhaps not as great as M$ would wish. For starters, the 6 versions of Vista will be plain confusing for many less-savvy PC owners. Particularly for those with PCs which are in that grey area whereby, for eg. they'll be able to run Vista starter, but not necessarily Vista basic; or they can easily run Vista basic, but Vista premium might struggle, etc. (Similar confusion will abound for some small businesses faced with Vista business or Vista enterprise). Most PCs won't of course be able to run Vista ultimate.

    Then you'll have every hacker in the world subjecting Vista to all sorts of viruses, & currently it's anyone's guess as to how well Vista will cope with the waves of attacks. Added to that you'll have some inevitable bugs, which a Vista SP1 or SP2 may finally fix some 12 to 18 months after launch. Also, you'll have the considerable expense of Vista, particularly when compared to Leopard, & the launch of Leopard sometime in spring 2007 with all the favourable comparisons for Apple that will bring.

    So IMO, if M$ gets their product right on a number of levels (& there are so many variables here), then yes, Vista probably will have a major effect on the number of switchers eventually. But I think Apple could continue to increase marketshare at a good rate for some 12 months at least, if not beyond. - (Also, wouldn't be a bad idea to get dedicated graphics inside some of the consumer-priced Macs most likely to appeal to switchers).

    erosion of rocks. Erosion. As rocks and
  • Erosion. As rocks and

  • question fear
    Sep 19, 09:17 AM
    You know, it's entirely possible she was just being friendly to you when she chatted you up outside the store. If she'd just left work, she was probably still in a "friendly be nice to customers mode". Especially if you'd just purchased something, she might have seen you as a future high ticket customer and thought she'd just greet you for a moment, you'd just talked and she figured, why be rude? A lot of people in retail have a "friendly" demeanor that is used on customers, and does not indicate a willingness to sleep with their customers. One of my employees has a real problem with this, she goes above and beyond to help a customer, and they interpret it as being more than just helpful. On more than one occasion she has done exactly what this apple employee has done, hiding in our back offices or sort room until the customer leaves. I hate to tell you this, but it sounds like she was trying to be nice, and now she's weirded out because her niceness has gone too far. If she hid TWICE, that's probably what it is.
    But, just to be positive, maybe she's been getting in trouble for socializing while at work, and she can't be seen flirting with you while she's working. I just didn't want to steal all your hope.

    erosion of rocks. erosion, rocks pictures,
  • erosion, rocks pictures,

  • tpavur
    Apr 24, 09:14 PM
    Wow I had no idea you have to pay 9% now

    Tha Professor
    Mar 24, 05:09 AM
    Only 4 bucks?? Why don't all stereos have it already?? I would get an airplay enabled player even if i hadnt had any apple product in my house, just that my friends could use it from time to time... (too bad they dont sell ATVs in my country...)

    Apr 23, 09:26 AM
    Trump is very rich but the scale of his wealth is insignificant compared to the expenses of the U.S. government. It's not as if he can reach into his pocket and pull out trillions of dollars and pay off the debt.

    Sadly, I think he does have a small chance of getting elected. He is a celebrity and Americans assign virtue and competence to celebrity for some sick reason.

    I agree with the other posters that he is purely a self promoter.

    Apr 15, 08:19 AM
    This lot on these boards are amazing. Incredible what this place has devolved into.

    If you people were all here 14 years ago, I guess you would have TORN INTO Apple for hiring Tim Cook from the "beige" PC maker?

    Sep 27, 11:58 AM
    Oh noes! The dreaded off-topic discussion on numbering schemes that pops up after each os update. ;)

    indeed the trend continues!

    None the less, I am excited for a new build!

    Jan 7, 03:19 PM
    What are people mainly using the Push for? I certainly wouldn't want to be updated every time one of my friends posts on Facebook... I know there are different settings - just wondering what kind of updates people use this for.

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