Friday, June 3, 2011

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  • cvaldes
    Mar 24, 08:03 PM
    Is everyone keeping these, selling them, a spare one for their mother-in-law?
    My guess is that different people will have different responses and that you will not receive a statistically significant sample size in responses to extract anything resembling meaningful insight. As a matter of fact, I am the first person to reply to you and I'm guessing you will have fewer than five people directly answer your query.

    That said, I will point out that the demographic of early iPad buyers would not lead anyone into the conclusion that this buying audience would need to resell used devices to fund purchases of new ones. The median income of the early iPad adopters was something like over $100,000. I consider the readership demographic of this blog to be materially different than the average Apple customer.

    Plus, the number of used iPads for sale is a miniscule fraction of the total number sold.

    Personally, I will gift my original iPad to relatives whom I expect will use it for many, many years. Much like my 12" PowerBook G4 is still being used by a family member, something like seven years after I bought it. There's your sample size of one.

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  • DELLsFan
    Feb 23, 06:31 AM
    I wonder what do they discuss and what is the conclusion?

    Considering how nearly all of those CEOs are solidly in the tank for Obama, and given how increasingly unpopular B. Hussein is becoming, his presidential re-election and prostrating himself for campaign contributions was likely the top priority.

    Oh ... after prawn and champagne, there might have been some idle talk of technology and Jobs.

    Conclusion? All that "genius" and not one of them cares about U.S. history and the dangers in repeating its mistakes. It's a shame that wealth has blinded nearly all of them to the danger of statism. It's too bad the innovation by this small, powerful, (and ideologically ignorant) group of elitists is restricted to technology.

    The rest of the country is hurting. Gas and food prices rising, housing market crippled, jobless rate still 10%, bailout after bailout, billions and billions spent on a failed "stimulus" that did nothing but line Obama cronies' pockets, a health care "overhaul" that will obliterate not only the health care in the U.S., but the rest of the economy with it, US foreign policy incompetent, our troops' hands tied in Afghanistan - with no directive to really win there. Oh yeah ... give us 4 more years of this? Pass the caviar, Steve. :eek:

    And there they sit ... Cheers to the community organizer-in-chief! How about we focus on the cancer that affects more than just Apple stock. No ... not Steve Jobs' illness. Something far more virulent ... America's. The blight of liberalism. How about we talk about how time and time again, it's utterly failed to do anything but grow an already bloated government, destroy liberty, personal property, and worsen an economy that used to be second-to-none?

    Bon Appetit!

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  • hsotnicam8002
    Apr 13, 03:15 AM
    I can't get this to work either even when the correct sync services box is checked. :confused:Doesn't work for me either. Turning to Time Machine now after messing up all of my calendars in the wasted time with this. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

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  • chmorley
    Sep 13, 08:27 PM
    Originally posted by gopher
    ...When your stage is 3 times longer, you have to go three times as fast to catch up.

    If your Mac is slower than a PC for any reason on the same application it is because the software hasn't been optimized for the Mac. Write the software developer before you complain about the Mac speed. Get them to develop for Altivec. It makes a world of difference. Not true...and not true.

    When a pipeline (not a "stage", as pipelines are made up of stages) is 3 times longer, there are more opportunities for inefficiencies. While in theory this could make some software 3 times less efficient, in real life this is rarely the case.

    Secondly, saying the only time Macs are slower than PCs is when apps haven't been optimized for Altivec is patently false. Having applications utilize AltiVec is great, but it often doesn't make up for the fact that the processor is slower.

    I am as Pro-Mac as the next guy, but getting the facts wrong makes us just look like we don't know anything about computers. The biggest pro of the Mac is the OS (and the elegance of the experience). It's foolish, though, not to acknowledge the downside, which is slower chips (some say "inferior hardware", but I think that overstates the importance of speed). Overall in the equation, I prefer Macs by a lot, but they're slower than PCs.

    No need to deny it.



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  • dakis
    Oct 26, 11:35 PM
    Looks great, but there's still no SPAM filter? COME ON! Every e-mail provider on the planet has had this for years. I even have one on my own server, set up in less than an hour. This can't be taking Apple 5 years, can it?

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  • Rooskibar03
    Nov 18, 03:18 PM
    Well, if rumours about the reason for white iPhone delays are correct (i.e., leakage from the white casing affecting camera performance), then he's just selling Apple's rejects. Fair enough, I suppose, if people are willing to pay for them (especially that much $$$). It would be interesting to hear reports about camera performance after the conversion.

    While I cannot say what his parts looked or felt like I can tell you this. There is a huge difference between parts.

    I ordered a "Genuine Apple" White Back plate from ebay. The color was awful, the flash blew out every picture and camera lens cover distorted images.

    I then ordered a full conversion kit from another vendor. The parts looked very close but the end result was way different. No light leak, no flash issues and pictures as good as my black one.

    The front plate had Apple printed on the ribbon cables. Does this make it genuine? Doubtful but there is no way I'll ever be able to tell.

    I'm super happy with the result, and with Dock and Headphone converted as well, I paid a lot less then this kid was charging.


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  • fun173
    Apr 18, 09:16 PM
    I am trading this guy a crappy guitar for it. I don't plan on using it, just wondering if it is something I could flip and make a profit. And the guitar has not been used since I was around 10 and I am pretty sure it is from Walmart.

    Don't count on making a profit off of an iMac G3. I think at most it is worth $40. Having the box and everything is a plus, but it is still a G3. With all that said I would definitley buy it and keep. I bought one a while back in box with all the original items and box for $10!!

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  • igmolinav
    Sep 19, 10:09 PM
    Hi !!!

    I am about to order an ibook. I am running a bit against time because i would like to have the computer as soon as possible for a short course i
    want to take.

    When they say it is shipping within 3-5 days, is it more like three days, or more like five days - I am doing one or two minor upgrades on the original 12" ibook computer. One, with the keyboard from English to Western Spanish; and perhaps upgrade the HD to 60 GB. I�ll also be using the 2-day option for shipping.

    How long do you think it is more likely to take for the computer to be delivered?

    Thank you,

    ignacio "in a rush" molina.


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  • animatedude
    Apr 24, 05:21 AM
    IRS sensor to use or the Apple Remote.

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  • jacobtaylor1987
    Mar 28, 05:52 PM
    Did anyone else notice the font used on the invitation is not Lucida Sans?

    Do you recognize it?

    It's Myriad.
    They always use that.


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  • kirk26
    Apr 5, 11:08 AM
    Oh no! I looks like an iPod Touch! Down vote!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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  • gloss
    Mar 27, 11:46 AM
    Other than the fact that it identifies the races of the participants, what makes it "racist?"

    I think the fact that it takes place in front of a bookstore and is therefore treated as 'noteworthy'.

    I also think that some people get their panties in a bunch over some pretty stupid things.


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  • Rodimus Prime
    May 2, 12:21 PM
    end result no real change. Someone else will rise up and take his place.

    Real question is will the replacement be worse than the the first.

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  • Squonk
    Nov 14, 11:50 AM
    OK, now that we'll have iPod integration on flights from major airlines... And there's talk of broadband access in-flight at some point in the near future. Hmmm... I can see it now. Steve's plan is to have the iPod integration in place so that the next time I'm on a 14 hour flight, I have nothing to do but play with my iPod and shop the iTunes store. ...World domination, one small step at a time.

    Buying a movie or music while in-flight would be very cool!


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  • YS2003
    Nov 11, 04:58 AM
    I wonder if they'll do a version of the ad with the female camera that speaks Japanese, but make her an American camera that speaks English. :-)
    In that US version ad, the Japanese chick says the PC guy looks like a "otaku." I think "Otaku" is roughly translated to homeboy (stay-at-home guy or geek).

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  • Goldinboy17
    Mar 24, 04:40 PM
    Just picked one up in Norwalk CT - they had plenty in stock and the sales person didn't realize the markdown until I mentioned it. Great deal. They tried to sell me a ton of services, but you don't have to... $317 out the door.:)

    You can't imagine how jealous I am of you >.>
    Mind going back and picking one up for me? :D


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  • Lord Appleseed
    Apr 25, 03:18 AM
    Retina Display
    backlit keyboard Option (so everyone who wants to have it can have it)
    bigger SSD drives
    faster/newer processor
    upgradable Ram

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  • Sodner
    May 5, 01:47 PM
    I agree that both OS's are good and in many cases a less expensive baseline Windows PC can adequately meet the needs of most users.

    But this line of advertising really misses the mark with me. As someone else said ,it's like comparing a Rolls-Royce and a Subaru. Both are "cars" with engines, and tires and a steering wheel but are not really the same at all. Microsoft simply throwing up a few PC's that are near the spec's of a Mac, really does not tell the whole story.

    Besides shouldn't HP, Gateway, Acer or Dell be running this add about HARDWARE and not Microsoft?

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  • JoeG4
    Mar 27, 06:07 AM
    How about no driving tax. How about we tax people appropriately and get rid of crap like business tax incentives and farm subsidies since they're only ever abused by people that 'play the game'.

    Why should we be screwing over regular people so much.

    Oct 16, 07:17 PM
    Apple smart phone with keyboard? I could definitely be talked into that.

    Me too:D

    Nov 11, 07:40 AM
    I hunger for a way to download these.

    I have studied japanese for a good while...and i want these ads forever. any suggestions?

    Apr 1, 04:16 PM
    HEHE, I giggled cause I thought u were being sarcastic about The Weather Channel letting you down... I forgot Time Warner's 11% marketshare is still a big chunk, I just didn't make the connection cause to me TWC is The Weather Channel... which would be cool if they streamed live, hehe.

    Understandable, but we are in a Time Warner Cable related thread.

    Where I live it's either Time Warner Cable or DirecTV.. and DirecTV is satellite. I obviously went with the former, like anyone should if they can.

    I would like to see The Weather Channel stream also, that would be great. You're right.

    Oct 16, 10:19 PM
    does sum1 take accountability for this stuff?

    to me these iPhone rumors sound kida like whoever said that thiss would be the worst hurricane season ever.

    Apr 21, 12:56 PM
    yeah, my best friend actually has an M11x R2. I love it, but still, at how compact the 11" Air is, I'm surprised it can max out Portal 2 easily.

    Just got Portal (1) for free (OEM Alienware Gift or something like that) and it does run well on both my AW and my Air.

    If replacement SSD prices dropped, this would replace my alienware as my on-the-go machine.

    This thing surprises me to no end. MW2 at 20~30fps is nothing to scoff at, especially since it only has an ULV C2D and an IGP.

    Only thing I miss is the bl kb.

    Almost all people in this thread sound like they want to buy a Mac mini (MBA), but want at the same time the features of a Mac Pro (MBP). Silly.

    Yeah, this is the MBA-forum, but it does not make this discussion thread better.


    Wanting a backlit keyboard isn't as unreasonable as you think it is... esp since the previous gen Air had it.

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