Friday, June 3, 2011

thank you letter for interview

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  • Eraserhead
    Jun 10, 07:10 AM
    I'm going to make a start this afternoon then. Well as best I can without changing the front page.

    EDIT: Where do Servers go?

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  • JackAxe
    Mar 24, 06:18 PM
    I should read! What's with Nintendo and its Sunday release dates in the US?

    FECK! I was kind of excited about today... Oh well.

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  • Blue Velvet
    Sep 13, 09:17 AM
    Well, surgeons make me feel comfortable - or at least, it's easy to open up to them.

    I know -- just a few minutes with them and they'll have you in stitches.

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  • barenature
    Apr 26, 02:25 AM

    Something odd happened to me yesterday and I'd like to ask for your opinion. I had been postponing the latest update of OSX for a few weeks and decided to finally install this update yesterday.

    After installing this update, my iMac became terribly slow up to the point that it is basically unusable. Booting up takes ages and when logged in I see the spinning beach ball more than I'd like. I couldn't figure out what the problem was and decided to simply do a clean install as I did not have the time to figure this out.

    After a clean install, I downloaded all the updates and the iMac seemed to run smooth again, but this morning I noticed that the iMac is again extremely slow.

    Has anyone of you experienced this problem before?

    Some additional information:
    - iMac 20" 2.4GHz 4GB RAM 320 HDD
    - tried resetting PRAM
    - HDD only has one partition (so no Bootcamp)

    I have run an Apple Hardware Test and I am getting an HDD error. The odd thing is that when I now boot from the install DVD and launch Disk Utility, my HD is not even showing up. It only shows up as a drive labeled "Media".


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  • Am3822
    Sep 25, 10:24 AM
    Another event, yet another disappointment.

    edit: regarding things from the narrow perspective of the MBP update, obviously.

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  • shartypants
    Apr 5, 10:52 AM
    Even if it is not a fake, not really earth shattering news anyway.


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  • jsw
    Oct 26, 10:25 PM
    Seriously, does anyone know how to use an email address that is not a address as the reply-to in .mac webmal?

    I only use the webmail at work, and at home Mac OS X Mail lets me use my "real" email address as the reply-to. I would love to know how to do it in webmail. An earlier poster said you can, but I just can't see how.

    Thanks for the help...I can find no way to do so. You might be better off forwarding your .Mac mail to your "real" account, then using webmail for that account to reply.

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  • MacUser5
    Apr 5, 10:35 AM
    Who cares what these idiots think? They would not recommend a phone which today has received 98% satisfaction among both AT&T & Verizon customers.


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  • rdowns
    Apr 8, 08:48 AM
    very big time after they saw the elelection results. They knew they were losing the House and Tea Partiers were coming in so they should of quickly one threw.

    Much easier said then done. Remember, it takes 60 votes to get anything done in the Senate and the Republicans obstructed virtually ever bill brought up.

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  • -Ryan-
    Mar 17, 05:14 AM
    �6/gallon here in he UK, or �1.32/L :mad:

    Remember a US Gallon is different than a UK one. So it's closer to �5 or around $8. Still awfully high, but not quite as bad as some make out.


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  • schuetz1619
    Jan 2, 08:36 PM
    Is there any user-doable diagnosis for Mac 128K floppy drives? When I turn on the machine I get the expected flashing question mark. I then insert a system disk (newly written, non-defective 400K single-sided disk, system 1.01), but the disk does not click into place, nor does the drive start to turn. This is true both of the internal disk and an external disk. I get the same result (actually, lack of result) with any disk I insert, including the original system disk.

    I have replaced the clock battery and verified that it is providing 4.5 v.

    The front side of the programmer's switch button causes a restart to the flashing question mark; the back side of the switch instantly yields a Sad Mac, code "0F000D".

    I'd sure like to do whatever I can by way of diagnosis before taking the unit to a repair shop.

    Many thanks,


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  • Origin
    Sep 19, 05:40 PM
    I hoped that this update should have throw away the X1900 XT Bug with my 23" ACD while booting XP ... but no, still here ... grrr :/


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  • KnightWRX
    May 1, 07:44 AM

    Somehow, I knew you would reply like you did. Again, I have a job in an actual data center as a systems administrator. Let me tell you, I know the real story. ;) And it's not just my company. Go take a look around and see how many shops use Windows to run their SAP environnements. Their peoplesoft stuff. Heck, just their lowly Oracle installations.

    And who said I was talking about Enterprise Macs ? My Unix boxes cost well over 100k$ a piece.

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  • efoto
    Sep 18, 12:51 AM
    to be on topic:

    If you're set on a mac-usin'-momma, is there a Mac User group you could meet some Mac-using ladies at? We're a fun bunch (if I may say so myself.)

    Other than that, I dunno.. go to starbucks or something to meet people? A singles mixer? *shrug*

    I wasn't just looking for advice on dating in general (although I'll take it, don't get me wrong :) ), I was looking for advice on this particular girl. I have dated all pc users in the past, but at the time I was a pc user as well, so I cannot comment as to the heart and intellect of Mac using women vs. their pc counterparts. I often study, as often as I study :p, at Borders (similar to Barnes and Noble if you don't have them) and that usually does well for finding one or two Mac using 'momma's', however usually they are cramming for something, not exactly my setting for walking up and asking them to chat.
    I realize there are a plethora of women around, especially where I am from they are quite kind to the eyes and their father's wallets seem rather bulged, however....well nevermind, I really have no valid excuses. I am just single until I amass enough funds to purchase many hot women, since that always seems to work :rolleyes:


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  • Rajj
    Sep 14, 11:03 AM
    Get Jaguar, and all your problems will be resolved!!;)

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  • nick1817
    Mar 4, 01:07 PM
    This was addressed earlier, but I haven't found a solution yet.

    In "Live Feed", Farmville/Game stuff still shows up even if I've selected them not to via the full website

    So, if I got to status updates in the app, or the website they don't show up, but they do in the Live Feed.


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  • Lex Yu
    Apr 30, 07:39 PM
    Too early to quit dvd altogether:confused:

    If its up to me to should throw that medium into the wastebin asap.

    I don't see why it's too early to ditch DVD-Rom for OS installing, since every single mac has USB ports.

    Plus a DVD.

    Why plus a DVD? Every mac which has a DVD drive also has several USB ports.

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  • netdog
    Oct 26, 08:56 AM
    Anybody there now? Any crowds?

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  • Thex1138
    May 16, 05:38 AM

    Full of Win
    Mar 23, 03:46 PM
    Why don't they just use existing standards? RTSP, H.264/MPEG4 video and bonjour. There. No licensing required.

    But no.

    Apple pulls the "standards compliant" flag out of their asses only when it suits them. Boo.

    Apple is all for open standards...except when they are not.

    Oct 16, 05:31 PM
    I would love to see a 4gb nano phone which qwerty keyboard, 3mp camera, wi-fi and GPS

    iPhone Pro would be a good name

    Chef Medeski
    Nov 21, 06:41 PM
    For example, with the cell operating at 600 degrees there is not much of a differential change between room temperature and plus/minus 10 degrees.
    My Pb.... quite a hot computer runs 140F at the GPU. Id say your pushing no more than 150 at the CPU. No more than 170 on any laptop. 170F
    =76 C. 90F = 32 C. 80F = 26C. T = 76-32= 44C. 76-26= 50C. 12% difference. Yes.... quite unnoticeable :rolleyes: . Thats if its a direct relationship... if its a secondary or tertiary relationship.... well then your looking at huge difference being created.

    I dont know where you got 600 :rolleyes: or negligible.... but...

    Sep 14, 03:39 AM
    This nextgen Processor is codenamed "Prescott"

    Yes it looks like a 1MB L2 Cache is likely. Xeons are already at 512k so this is the next logical step.

    The doubling of the L2 of course raises the transistor count so don't be shocked that the P4 is going from roughly 40million to 100 million. The larger cache is adding many. Prescott is going to be fabbed on 90 nanometer tech so these transistors will be physically smaller. for "over your head info" good stuff Nice also.

    The FSB of Prescott will probably be 667mhz but this is NOT Double Pumpled 333mhz. This is still a Quad Pumped bus which now starts out at 166mhz.(166.66 x 4 I believe).

    Remember Apple's Top Line G4 supports 166 mhz but it doesn't Double or Quad pump the bus.

    How does Apple compete? Well here's my guess.

    Perhaps at Macworld San Fran or soon after Apple announces the next G4 based machines. These Computers will be based on 130 nano G4+ chips(the current G4+ are 180 nano chips) . This will allow the G4's to clock to as high as 1.6Ghz.

    This allows Apple to prepare for what I think everyone knows is coming. The IBM GPUL Power4 based Proc which should hit late 2003. This Proc would start at 1.8ghz and depending on yields Apple could always offer a Dual Configuration. We'll know how quickly IBM will drop from 130 to 90 nano tech on these procs as soon as Oct 15. So there you have it.

    Intel will be shipping 4Ghz P4's

    AMD will have 3.4Ghz Rated chips

    And shortly after Apple will be at 2Ghz with a 64bit proc.

    Will we be faster. Who knows. The IBM Proc is 8way Superscalar with 5 dispatch, It supports 6.4Gbps throughput which puts it on par with where Intel and AMD will be as far as Bandwidth. Apple is clearly not freaking out about this. They're calm and cool so you know something good is coming.

    I am mad at apple, their processors suck right now... not to mention their price. Im not gunna spend 3,000 for a computer that I could get with -yes - a worse os, for 1,000. Macs just arent worth it right now. Until they have something that can compete speed wise, my next comp is a PC.

    Can you please explain why Apple's using G4's suck? And please since you have it ALL figured out. Tell me what Apple needs to do to fix this. I'm sure we're all ears. ;)

    Mar 10, 04:09 AM
    Does anybody else beside me think the launch titles suck?

    I was gonna pre-order the 3DS but I don't like any of the games. I'd be buying some random game just to try out a $250 piece of hardware.

    Yes... They do.

    If it wasn't for the fact that the store is offering a trade up policy for my dsi xl for €110 as opposed to €260 then I would not be getting one at this time.

    But with the reduction in price / trade up for me it makes better sense to get one now whilst this offer is open than wait 6 mnths for more games and have to pay full price for the 3ds hardware.

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